Leadership Institute
hosted by LaFe
June 19-24
New York City
The Institute
by invitation only
All around us God is raising up Latino Leaders: leaders with character and integrity, leaders with a love for Jesus, leaders with the courage to start new things. Our campuses, our families and our communities are desperately in need of men and women who have been called by God to serve with humility and wisdom.
We believe that investing time and energy in you can make a difference in your life. We have a network of skilled trainers and mentors who want to help you connect with Jesus on your leadership journey and maximize your impact on your campus, in your family and in the world.
We believe that a week at the LATINO LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE can help to equip you for a lifetime of meaningful Christian leadership. We'll give you tools that you can use for the next 40 years. And we'll help you identify your next steps as a follower of Jesus, as a Latino Christian, and as a Christian leader on campus.
About LaFe
LaFe is the Latino Fellowship of InterVarsity/USA. For the last 75 years, InterVarsity/USA has been developing future leaders through our courageous proclamation of Jesus as Lord and Savior on campus, our deep discipleship around Scripture, and our love of all peoples and cultures. As a meaningful expression of our love of all people and cultures, in 1980 InterVarsity/USA founded LaFe as a means to support our Latino leaders and to increase our effectiveness in establishing and advancing ministries for Latinos on campuses across the United States. Learn more at www.lafe.intervarsity.org.

Area Director - Nebraska

Executive Pastor - Chatham Church

Associate National Director - LaFe
The Details
Who is the Institute for?
Latino Christian college students who have been as identified as leaders by their campus ministers. Due to space and scholarship restrictions, the Institute is by invitation only at this time. InterVarsity Regional Directors (or those they appoint) can nominate students for an invite.
When is it?
The Institute runs from June 19-24. Plan to arrive by mid-afternoon on the 19th (our first event is dinner ... yay LaFe!). Plan to depart any time on the 24th (we will close the Institute late in the evening on the 23rd).
Where is it?
New York City!!! We'll be staying in Manhattan just two blocks north of Central Park at The Salisbury Hotel.
What will we do?
The Institute includes a unique mix of Bible study, prayer ministry, focused coaching, experiential learning, and peer education. Every element is led by Latino leaders and put together with our communidad Latino in mind.
How much does it cost?
$500 by March 19th // $550 by April 16th // $600 by May 14th
This covers housing during the Institute, meals during our time together, and transportation on site. The conference registration doesn't include transportation to New York.
Who can I contact for more information?
Steve Tamayo is helping with conference logistics. You can reach him at: tamayosteve@gmail.com